![]() Purpose is the very thing you are called to do on earth. It is your divine calling. Many times so many of us can be so confused about what we are doing here on earth . So we spend a lot of time either doing the wrong things or delaying that thing God has placed on our hearts to do. On my recent podcast I talked about why goal setting and envisioning your life is so important. Purpose is directly alignment with setting goals and a vision for your life. If you aren’t clear on your purpose it could become very difficult for you to achieve what you are called to do. So here are some ways you can work towards aligning with the Purpose for your life. 1. Serve God- Serve People: Serving people is a form of prayer to God . The more you serve the more selfless you become. Being on purpose is about removing being self driven from your vocabulary. In this day where digital communities are solely about self promotion and less about adding value to others, the key to truly tuning into why you are here on this earth is to serve the needs of others. This applies in career, business, etc. One of the ways to practice the art of serving is to volunteer in various areas of our life; serve at your church; serve for an organization or a cause you care a lot about. 2. Follow your Passion: What is the thing that you can do without necessarily getting paid for? What is the thing that when you talk about it your eyes light up? That thing is your passion. When you seek after volunteer opportunities make sure they are things you enjoy doing, things that light up your soul. 3. Start things and do them consistently: You have to start somewhere. We don't have to have all of the answers figured out. I learnt this at a very earlier juncture in my career and in my work. Most of the things that are successful in my life I just took a leap of faith with passion and perseverance and they have yielded fruit in many ways. I believe these three thing will help you as you begin to think of your calling in life. For more on how to discover your purpose stay tuned for my latest podcast.
You change every moment and sometimes even you don’t know that you are changing so allow room for that change. Last year I have grew so much and God has pushed me in ways even I couldn’t imagine being pushed. We have been through a lot together me and God and we have traveled the world together as well all whilst doing his work. I couldn’t have imagined going to some of the places I went to this year if not for God and his grace. As I journey through life one thing I am becoming more and more uncompromising of is my growth process. I believe there are times we are expected by the people around us to explain every piece of our change process. As I was sharing with a friend the other day, how can I explain my change process to someone if I myself I am still trying to figure it out? I remember having a really intense conversation with a close friend years ago who kept challenging the fact that I had changed and had left no room for her in my change process and I had no response for her. Asking someone to explain their change process is like asking the author of an ongoing book, what is going to happen in unwritten chapters. How can the author explain this to the reader when the story is still unfolding? God takes His time to design us each of our lives and what is most important is to key in to those changes. As we change so do our perceptions on certain things in life, relationships, our work, our calling etc. So here are three things I make sure of to remain focused throughout the year and to embrace my change process 1. Tune out the noise: I do my best to tune out the distractions around me. From what gossip exists about a famous pop star, to anything that may pull me away from what i truly need to be focused on I have learnt to zone into what matters the most on a daily and weekly basis. My relationship with God, my family and my work. 2. Press Forward: pressing forward for me has meant I need to always set goals and have clear timelines of how to achieve them. Every year I may update my vision board and develop a personal strategic plan for what needs to be accomplished for the year. 3. Have a winning team of supporters : For me what centers me in all of my work is my faith. Knowing I am not doing my work for accolades but to please God has kept me focused, streamlined and allowed me to do less explaining to others about what God is doing in my life and building relationships with a community of people who are there to support me in being the best version of who God wants me to be. This year I embrace further change, and as I set out to accomplish what God has called me to do I look forward to what there is to learn, as I continue to write the story of my journey. Happy New Month. Philippians 3:14 |
MsBosschiqueWelcome to my lifestyle segment of my brand. Here I will share my writings, heartwork, wisdom and life happenings as it relates to my work. Archives
November 2022