The other day I had the opportunity to attend a business coaching workshop for my communications firm WCA Creatives. I had been pondering on a few things for my business and needed professional support to fine tune a few internal systems. The coaching sessions ended up being so helpful, provided me clarity, and even boosted my confidence around some of the areas I was having anxiety about. Yes business owners have anxiety and worries like the rest of the world. I remember once the call was completed, I thanked my coach for just having such a safe space for us to build and work and develop a stronger business for me. I remember how good I felt getting off the call and realized that this felt similar if not better than when I leave the spa. A huge lightbulb came on for me, and I began to examine my idea of selfceare. I came to one of the realizations that in fact self care for business owners also looks like taking care of the internal things in your business and showing your business love so you can sleep better and breathe better. It was such a blessing having the call it was so pivotal for me in many ways, that it made me wonder how are other women entrepreneurs handling such things in their businesses? Are you avoiding the mundane yet important hard questions for your business? why not take some time to think through what selfcare your business may need to make it a bit stronger this year? As we go into the final 6 months of the year, I challenge you to do something to make your business a bit better, or your career, what are the internal mundane things that you ignore but could potentially help you? Here are some suggestions for selfcare: 1. Hire a business coach to give you some coaching in the areas of need you may need support in. 2. Speak to a business colleague you trust about a challenge you are having or a milestone you hope to achieve and take them as an accountability partner. 3. Develop a plan to accomplish no more than 2 things by the end of the year to show more love to your business. Of course these aren't your typical selfcare tips eg. go get a pedicure etc. but I believe these are also a form of selfcare because the better your business is breathing and behaving the better for your peace as well. Welcome to the month of July! Check out my podcast on staying focused for the rest of the year called : Distractions and Destiny Killers
MsBosschiqueWelcome to my lifestyle segment of my brand. Here I will share my writings, heartwork, wisdom and life happenings as it relates to my work. Archives
November 2022